In continuation of my earlier post on Integrating R with Tableau, now I need to explore how to program R within Tableau.
R script needs to be used as a Table Calculation,
and needs to be used as one of the 4 functions,
Let me take a simple sample case to explain the same, I am using using_r_within_tableau.twbx downloaded from Tableau site for demonstration purpose.
Using the 0. 5 plus 7 as a data source. It has got 3 predefined measured, where 'Five' and 'Seven' holds value 5 and 7 respectively.
The 3rd measure 'R script for 5 + 7' adds up 'Five' and 'Seven' using R script. As I am adding 2 integers, I am using SCRIPT_INT. MIN aggregation is used on 'Five' and 'Seven' for Table Calculation, it could have been MAX or anything else also.
I initiate Rserve.
When I put these 3 measures, they add up and show correct result.
Further details and the sample Tableau file can be obtained from Tableau tutorial site.
Before I finish, I would like to draw a comparison between Power BI and Tableau with respect to using R. Power BI gives us the flexibility of using R charts (like ggplot etc) through R Visual, whereas in Tableau we get Integer / Real / Boolean / String values through Table Calculations.
In my personal opinion, I find Power BI more suitable for integrating with R.